Assalamu'alaykum wrm wbt to all,
It's been some time...
Been not so busy and then very busy since the holidays started.
The holiday started on 26th Nov and the new semester will commence on 25th Jan 2010 (cuti 2 bulan tu!).
The first few days at home were pretty much normal with the usual back-at-home routine (i.e: qadha' tidur, kemas beg, kemas bilik, kemas almari). Managed to bake the infamous (ye ke? hehe..) moist chocolate cake on the evening of 10 Zulhijjah (did not manage to bake it the night before because I was so tired once I'm done with unloading the bags from the car, into the house and then up to my room) and then the next two days managed to finish reading "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult. This book taught me a lot about family relationships and sacrifice. I would fully recommend you to read it!
Then it got pretty boring with me being so lazy to do anything else except lounging around reading Reader's Digest, surfing the net, watching tv (althought there're not that many interesting programmes to watch), a few house chores and so on. On Thursday (3rd December) I got quite excited packing. What for? Well...I was on my way then to KISDAR in Kuala Kangsar to help out with PPWN (Perhimpunan Perwakilan Wanita Nasional ke-16) and PPN (Perhimpunan Perwakilan Nasional ke-19) as JIM Perak is the host for this year. Then life became very hectic and tiring for the past 4 days. But it was great I tell you...GREAT with capitals! Got to meet-up with the sisters who're doing practical right now (miss them lots!), mu'ayashah with the KPM sisters, learning many things from the pakcik makcik and also meeting those makciks which I have not seen since I was a little girl. It's kinda funny to hear your kindergarten teacher saying stuff like "dah besar dah rufaidah sekarang ni.." and also makcik2 with their "dulu kecik2 makcik dukung rufaidah ni..besar2 ni je (whilst pointing to her 3-year old daughter)...sama2 main dgn anak2 makcik lain time tgh usrah".
I was with JK Keselamatan under Pakcik Salim and Kak Tah. It's an interesting experience being security (plus 1001 other adhoc tasks we had to do) but it feels nice when pakcik makcik acknowledge Karisma's help with PPN. We felt that we're welcomed with open arms among them. This is exactly what's meant with the phrase "hikmatus syuyukh wa hamasatus syabab" (kebijaksanaan orang tua dan semangat orang muda) I have often heard and again repeated by Dr Har (mantan Ketua Wanita JIM for 10 years running and Naib Presiden JIM 2009-2011) in her Ucapan Dasar. I can truly see that those trio from Medtech (Khairuddin, Syazwan and Adib) really does make a difference when they were with JK Media PPN. Bak kata seorang kakak, "Boleh nampak la style medtech tu..smart2" hehe.
It does boost-up the spirit of us (the Gen-Y) to see those pakcik makcik who have been on this path for 20-30 years maybe. I know it's not easy to stay steadfast on this path. Many times we've heard that the challenge as a student is nothing much compared to when you have a career, married with children and other commitments. When you are in that situation and you're still active with tarbiyah and da'wah, then that is something to look-up to. The challenges we're facing today as a student is nothing much and if we can't juggle our responsibilities and manage our time now...we'll never be able to do so in the future with responsibilities double as much and much less time. Makcik Nor made me teary-eyed when she said: "Hebat la jemaah kan? boleh kumpul balik semua dulu yang kecik2...skrg dh besar2...kumpul sama2 dengan pakcik makcik yg dh lame2 ni" << more or less so, it was in Terengganu dialect. She was saying this after pointing out how many of us who are so little when our mums were having usrah together once upon a time are now together in the same hall.
This is why I like going to PPN (or other programmes with pakcik makcik for that matter). I might not totally understand what's being discussed yet, but it's the semangat juang from them that I envy, that I want to instill in myself for the future. Ya muqallibal quluub, tsabbit quluubana 'ala deenik. I have learnt a lot from the past few days and I will always treasure it. Experiences are truly the best teacher. what's next?
InsyaAllah on Wednesday we might be going to KL because Ayah is having some sort of a conference there (Kak Hannan, jom date kt KLCC :D). This weekend I might be helping out with qiam KRJ. Then on 20th December, there will be Makcik Faezah's and Pakcik Selamat's kenduri for their son, Harith, to attend to before going to Kedah for a small family trip from 21st t 24th December. After that I will be in PJ for PKN (Perhimpunan Karisma Nasional) from 25th until 26th December. Might stay for one more day to jalan2 ke rumah Kak Filzah or Kak Hannan. Then I will have one more month of holiday (that is if I don't get to be MAS facee for Jan 2010). We'll see what will the plan be then.
Sorry for the long post without pictures.
Can't be bothered with finding appropriate images to include..hehe.
Maybe there'll be a picture post once I got our pictures during PPN (especially of JK Keselamatan in that nice blue batik blouse :D).
Until then..wassalamu'alaykum wrm.
along: just realised that even though the title is in malay, the entry is pretty much fully-english =P
Sekian Lama
5 weeks ago
thumbs up for this entry
cepatnye along mengupdatekan pasal PPN...good job... :)
hambaAllah yang memakmurkan: part mana yg thumbs up tu..
biar jari menari..main tulis je la. sedar2 dh dpt satu entry..plan nk update sket je
eman ainol: kak iman ape lg...tulis la satu entry jgk. tp takde gmbr la nk letak~ bile la nk dpt dr jk media ni. SMS dh siap ke kak iman?
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