alhamdulillah...alive another day to be an 'abid and khalifah of Him.
have we fulfilled the reasons why we are created?
to ponder you, me and them :)

random fact: 27th july is 2 months after 27th may and 1 month after 27th june ^^,
can't wait for this ramadhan
there's a special announcement maybeeee?
final year is showing its ugly sides
FYDP2 final presentation: 28th july
site visit for EIS: 29th july
submission draft FYP1 interim report: 15th august
submission EIS project: 19th august
submission final FYDP2 group & individual report: 22nd august
submission final FYP1 interim report: 22nd august
pray that Allah ease all of our affairs, here and also in the Hereafter
along: 7 minggu 2 hari itu tidak lama rupanya..huhu~