salam ^^,
eid mubarak! kullu 'am wa antum bikhair
not so much in the raya mood this year with such short break, lots of other things to do and also the fact that we're celebrating eid away from relatives in kampung (be it johor or kelantan).
also..happy 54th independence malaysia! hope that the citizens would also be 'free' from the ghazwatul fikr/perang minda/penjajahan minda currently attacking our youths :|
how was my raya here in ipoh? not too bad..few guests some good advices on "getting-married-early" :)
went for eid prayer at surau nur ramadhan early in the morning
umi ina said "18 hari lagi along datang sini lagi untuk nikah pulak kan..." huhu~ tak sangka makcik pun tolong countdownkan jugak
took the raya picture minus abang who's in the US :'(

1 syawal 1432h
idah, along, najihah, mama, ayah, man, qilah
got some 'nice' comments too =P
guests: haa..kakak ni form berapa?
mama: eh..yang ni yang sulung..kt utp skrg
ayah: ni lah yang nk kawen september nanti tu
guests: laa..muka mcm budak2 sekolah menengah je. ingatkan form 3 la tadi
along: dalam hati - muda rupanya muka :D
the not so nice one would be...
adik2: haa..along ni last la along raya dengan ktorg..balik kampung dengan ktorg..lepas ni takde dah
along: huhu..sedihnya
what else? marks exactly 16 days until the 17th of september.
feelings? pretty much at a loss of what to do first T_T
tak sabar nak tengok kenduri kak fye macam mana sabtu ini..maybe could learn a thing or two ;)
pray for me..for us..please?
pray that may Allah ease this affair~
until next time...(maybe that entry would be the "1 minggu 1 hari" entry..huhu)
wassalamu'alaikum wrm
along: this is a scheduled post btw, currently otw back to kelantan for Mama No's wedding reception tomorrow