Assalamu'alaikum wrm wbt,
Salam aidilfitri...salam kemenangan mujahadah sebulan Ramadhan...salam kembali ke fitrah diri yang asal hasil tarbiyah sebulan Ramadhan. Semoga cukup buat bekal 11 bulan seterusnya.
It's been a while (more than 2 months to be exact!)..does this prove that I only update blog during my holidays? Then I supposed I better start giving out my academic calendar (so that you know when I'll be home for semester break and so should have so-called time to update this 'coretharian'). Sorry for those readers out there who come and go with disappointment written across your faces (geezz..perasannya if there's any :P).
Here's a teaser for you guys.
There will be more coming...soon! (hopefully~ hehe)
Sekian Lama
1 month ago
tgk apa dalam gambar tu? tak sabar nak makan kuih raya ke? hehe~
beliamuda: tak tahu la ayah tunjuk apa kt budak 2 org tu. tgk kuih dlm balang kot.
maybe boleh ubah url kepada 'coretcutian'..sekadar cadangan..
hambaAlah yang memakmurkan: opss...pedas tu~ hehe..
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