Heyy..it's been some time.
Internship is nearing its end.
It has been 30 weeks...2 more weeks to go. InsyaALlah, the final presentation to lecturer would be next week on 6th January 2011.
Oh..it's 2011 already. This year I would be 21...boleh daftar mengundi dah ^^,
This year would also be the final year of undergraduate study in UTP, insyaALlah.
This year would also see my dearest naqibah hitting the 2nd stair of maratib amal - baitul muslim!
This year would have what else in store?
Only He knows.
Many things have happened this past few months and since the last time I wrote.
Two more baitul muslim have been formed among K-Perakians.
Maymunah&Izzudin and Afifi&Najihah
May this union helps to bring you further on this path and closer to Him too!
So happy to see them happy =)
I know the sisters are loving this moment too. Especially on Kak May's big day. I am really lucky to be surrounded by these lovely sisters. All-out sacrificing anything just to see their beloved sister happy on her big day :') and I do mean sacrificing anything.
Currently in logbook-frenzy preparing for the lecturer visit.
Also feeling a bit upset with recent happenings related to work.
I don't understand some people sometime.
Could they just not do it liLlah. Isn't work a form of ibadah too?
If they're not up to it, why not just say so?
I don't like to feel the way I'm feeling right now. ada sedikit rasa marah dan sebak2
Maybe it's my fault too, may Allah forgive me. And them too.

Sorry if this is a mixture of unrelated phrases.
Really can't be bothered with writing properly in proper paragraphs.
Just need to get this feeling off my chest.
And hope that all will end well.
I know that I'll be sad to leave this place with its kind people.
But right now..I'm just too pre-occupied with the final visit preparations that I could not yet lay a finger on that mixed feelings I'm experiencing right now.
Will think about what present to give, what food to order for the farewell, what to say to the people I'll be leaving behind...later!
For now, I really should be getting back to my logbooks.
Pray for me please..and for whatever that may lie in the near future :]
Wassalamu'alaikum wrm.
along: menulis dgn sgt merapu tapi dah rasa sedikit lega
Really can't be bothered with writing properly in proper paragraphs.
Just need to get this feeling off my chest.
And hope that all will end well.
I know that I'll be sad to leave this place with its kind people.
But right now..I'm just too pre-occupied with the final visit preparations that I could not yet lay a finger on that mixed feelings I'm experiencing right now.
Will think about what present to give, what food to order for the farewell, what to say to the people I'll be leaving behind...later!
For now, I really should be getting back to my logbooks.
Pray for me please..and for whatever that may lie in the near future :]
Wassalamu'alaikum wrm.
along: menulis dgn sgt merapu tapi dah rasa sedikit lega