Assalamu'alaikum wrm wbt,
Just some random bits and pieces for the moment.
Spent last weekend in UTP with the beloved big family...can I go there every single weekend? It's not the's the people. If only I can put UTP (and the people I love there) right next to PFK (with the nice working environment...and stress-free life -- so far) I would be pretty much satisfied :D
But...I still need to face up to reality. Snap out of it Rufaidah! Cannot stay in the comfort zone forever right.
As Kak Teh puts it...
"Jadilah seperti biji benih yang baik, campak di mana pun akan tumbuh subur. Dan biji benih yang baik tidak akan memilih tanah.
Kita tak akan selalu bersama, dan bila keadaan itu tiba, yang memegang hati kita adalah Allah. Dan padaNya jualah kita harus percaya. Kita doa selalu agar dikuatkan iman diteguhkan hati di atas jalan ini.
Minta maaf sebab tidak berada di samping Along saat Along memerlukan motivasi, semangat dan pendorong. I am not a good sister. I am so sorry for that. Tapi kita sama-sama diuji Tuhan,kan. Adakah kita mengaku kita orang beriman tetapi tidak pernah pula kita diuji?
I am sending to you a guardian angel to look after you thru my prayers and my du'a. And every breath that I took, I will always remember you and pray for you. Doakan senjata terkuat umat Islam. Dan doa Kak Teh di sini lebih hebat dari wireless streamyx atau broadband celcom sebab boleh sampai terus kepada Along di sana. Unlimited bandwidth. Tanpa ada distortion atau noise langsung! ^_^
Dan kita akan sentiasa doa mendoakan. Supaya Allah tautkan hati-hati kita dengan ikatanNya. Sampai ke syurga, insyaAllah."
Now tell could you just not LOVE them. I'm blessed really. Thank you Allah. Now I appreciate the meaning of uhibbuki fillah/Allah temune saranghae/saya cinta kamu kerana Allah.
Pray for me always...I'll always do so too in my prayers.
I know we will not be together forever. For after this, each one of us will move on with their own paths. But, I hope the time that we have left together...will be etched deep in our hearts in the sweet memories folder.
May we meet again.
Your sister,
along: tangga kedua? :|
Sekian Lama
1 month ago