It's been a while. Hurmm..I want to talk about ukhuwah today. Ukhuwah is a difficult thing. You can be so close to a person but yet still do not understand her fully. You might have known a person for less than a month...but it seems like she's the long-lost twin you've been dreaming of...instantly compatible :D. And you could have known her for like forever...but there are times that you feel like she is a total stranger.
I dont want to go into details about how ukhuwah is in Islam, how there are many hadiths and ayah from the Quran touching on this. I am sure my readers are well aware of that. All I want to say is that...when you're close to someone, and you made a small mistake...we're so easily hurt by that. My sister once said; Kenapa kita senang terasa dengan orang yang kita sayang? And I have to agree with that. Ukhuwah for me is about give and take. It's not just about being on the receiving end but sometimes you have to give to receive. If you want more, you have to give more. How could you expect others to constantly give to you without you being on the giving end too? Otherwise, it's not called ukhuwah, that is not friendship.
I've met many kinds of people. And not many are as close to my heart as those called "sisters" to me. Not merely sister by blood relations, but this is the sisters who are with me through thick and thin, understanding me inside out (sometimes maybe :P). It's not easy for us to be like this. It requires a lot of sacrifices, not just any sacrifices...but sacrifices of your precious times to listen to them (sometimes we don't need words, all we need are someone to listen to us), sacrifices in terms of you own feelings (sometimes you have to hold back what you want for the sake of your sisters, because you know she needs it more)...and maybe even sacrificing yourself. These are the things that glued us together, that sometimes people look at us and wonder "How could they be so close?" or people look on with jealousy "Why are they not like that with me?". Let me tell you this, if you want a share of have to do your part. It's a two-way thing. We cannot be selfish and want all that love to ourselves only right ;)
Wherever you go, you will always find these people you can call "sisters". Here is a blog entry from Kak Zaatil way back in 2006. This was when we went for a picnic not far from my house on Oxney Road. As usuals there will be hiccups along the way, and this is the way we make up for it. We had a bit of a misunderstanding, with the effort of another sister we manage to get some stuff to eat (mainly fast foods from the many fast food outlets along Curry Miles) and walk together to Plattfield in the lovely spring afternoon. Oh, how I miss those moments.
Berehlah di Plattfield...
Gambar dan caption sahaja dulu. Belum ada masa untuk menulis entrynya.

(along: try finding me :D)

Alhamdulillah, even though it will never be the same, I found the same sweet people here in UTP. Thank you sisters. And I am sorry if I am not a good sister to you guys...and I am sorry if there are others who felt left out. It is never my intention to do so. Of course you're always welcomed among us.
I have a lot to write, many things in mind at the moment. But as usuals, the moods are not quite there. I have another final paper to go before I end my second year here. Pray for me ok! More importantly, pray that I have the will to revise for the upcoming paper: Process Instrumentation.
Until then, wassalamu'alaikum wrm wbt.
along: A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.