hearing soooo many good news from my lovely sisters lately
kak samihah (zaujah akhi khairul presiden KnL) just gave birth to a healthy 2.8kg baby boy last week on 22nd march 2011
alhamdulillah ^^,
a day after kak samihah, it's kak safura's turn
kak safura gave birth to a healthy 2.77kg baby girl on 23rd march 2011 - same birthday as ustazah mashitah :)
alhamdulillah ^^,
insyaAllah...kak sarah (ex-usrah ZAG's member) is due for her second baby around early april (EDD = 04.04.11). can't wait for the day. i'm sure nur can't wait to be a kak long too!
kak salwani (ex-ameerah usm penang) is also due for her baby around early april ( can i not get soo excited! march-april is like the month of after another =]). Since kak salwani will be in terengganu for berpantang....i hope to see kak salwani with the baby around june perhaps :)
there will be more babies in DP by that time..hehe!
around 2 weeks after kak sarah, kak ija (ex-usrah ZAG's member) will follow suit with her second baby too! we will visit kak ija and the baby for sure if you're to undergo confinement in bota =). mu'az will be sooo cute being an abang long by that time!
ok..enough about babies ^_^
let's hope we'll hear moreee good news from k-utp's sisters within these few months
(aaa..can't believe that i'm in that stage where people around me are getting married/pregnant/having babies -- baru terasa tua :P)
more importantly, let's pray so that these little khalifahs will be the future mujahid and mujahidah upholding the right of islam in the future. carrying on with the da'wah and tarbiyyah efforts as started by our beloved prophet muhammad s.a.w.
ameen. insyaAllah.
along: teruja pulak nk baca buku2 tarbiyyatul aulad (pendidikan anak2) kan =)
kak salwani (ex-ameerah usm penang) is also due for her baby around early april ( can i not get soo excited! march-april is like the month of after another =]). Since kak salwani will be in terengganu for berpantang....i hope to see kak salwani with the baby around june perhaps :)
there will be more babies in DP by that time..hehe!
around 2 weeks after kak sarah, kak ija (ex-usrah ZAG's member) will follow suit with her second baby too! we will visit kak ija and the baby for sure if you're to undergo confinement in bota =). mu'az will be sooo cute being an abang long by that time!
ok..enough about babies ^_^
let's hope we'll hear moreee good news from k-utp's sisters within these few months
(aaa..can't believe that i'm in that stage where people around me are getting married/pregnant/having babies -- baru terasa tua :P)
more importantly, let's pray so that these little khalifahs will be the future mujahid and mujahidah upholding the right of islam in the future. carrying on with the da'wah and tarbiyyah efforts as started by our beloved prophet muhammad s.a.w.
ameen. insyaAllah.
along: teruja pulak nk baca buku2 tarbiyyatul aulad (pendidikan anak2) kan =)